CrimpSafe – The effective additive for crimped grain preservation from 25 – 45% moisture

Crimped Grain Preservatives

Essential for the effective preservation of high value crimped feeds, CrimpSafe 300 (available from Kelvin Cave Ltd) is applied by a pump applicator through the crimping machine. This preservative works by controlling the fermentation of the crimped grain, thereby minimising the amount of valuable rumen nutrients that could be lost in a poorly controlled fermentation. The formulation is designed to give maximum protection against spoilage organisms that could cause deterioration of the feed once the clamp or bag is opened at feedout. Independent, farm-scale trials have shown that, if applied at the recommended rate and ensiled correctly, CrimpSafe 300 will keep crimped grain fresh and stable for up to 300 hours after exposure to air.

To ensure even coverage we recommend that CrimpSafe 300 should be diluted 50:50 with clean water and applied at the rates detailed in the following table, or as advised by your Kelvin Cave Ltd representative.

CrimpSafe 300 application rates: Cereals including maize:

Moisture (%) App. Rate (ltr/t undiluted) App.rate (ltr/t diluted 50:50 with water)
Maize/Wheat Less than 30 3.0 6.0
Maize/Wheat More than 30 2.5 5.0
Barley/Oats Less than 30 3.5 7.0
Barley/Oats More than 30 3.0 6.0

At the lower moisture levels it can help to add water by hosepipe, through the crimping machine. This can help to soften the grain and make consolidation easier.

Peas and Lupins:

25% – 35% moisture 7 litres per tonne of the diluted CrimpSafe 300

CrimpSafe Hi-Dry

Do NOT use CrimpSafe 300 on grain below 25% moisture. If grain moisture is below 25% CrimpSafe Hi-Dry will ensure effective preservation. Consult your Kelvin Cave Ltd representative for advice.

Do not mix CrimpSafe Hi-Dry with water to avoid precipitation of active ingredients!

CrimpSafe Hi-Dry application rates:

20 -25% moisture grain 4 litres  per tonne (increase to 5 litres/tonne if grain is heating or contaminated)

Less than 20% moisture grain 5 litres per tonne (increase to 6 litres/tonne if grain is heating or contaminated)

Moisture Meter

Knowing the moisture content of grain for crimping, when grain is harvested at up to 45% moisture, has, until now, always been a matter of guesswork and experience. Kelvin Cave Ltd has teamed up with Finnish meter manufacturer Wile to produce the first (as far as we know) grain moisture meter that can give readings above 30% with any degree of accuracy.

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