The inclement weather of the past few months has certainly presented farmers with more than a few headaches.
Coincidentally, P is also the initial letter of each of the five stages we recommend you follow to achieve the highest quality, highest yield and optimum nutrient retention and conditions for all your home-grown feed … even when weather conditions are at their most challenging!
For more information on any of the products listed here, please visit
Mitigate potential losses of yield or quality from your home-grown feed by using these proven products and solutions at every stage of the process from field to feed-out.
Grain Crimping Machines and Dry Grain Roller Mills – to suit every size of projected throughput for cereal grains and pulses, either dry (up to 25% moisture) or crimping and ensiling (from 25 to 45% moisture). We offer an extensive range of Finnish-manufactured Murska / Korte machines that meet our exacting standards of engineering excellence and reliability.
Safesil Pro and Safesil Challenge – For all forages, dependent on dry matter. Will ensure fast efficient fermentation with maximum nutrient and dry matter retention and minimal aerobic stability losses at feedout.
BaleSafe – Treating with BaleSafe allows hay and straw to be safely baled up to 25% moisture without wrapping. Also reduces DM loss and improves stability in wrapped haylage at 50-75% DM.
CrimpSafe 300 and CrimpSafe Hi-Dry – CrimpSafe 300 ensures controlled fermentation and maximum nutrient retention for ensiled crimped grain above 25% moisture content. For effective preservation and ensiling of grain below 25% use CrimpSafe Hi-Dry.
Propcorn NC – is a proven, non-corrosive successor to Propcorn. Safer to use, and with 70% less fumes than straight propionic acid, it is suitable for preserving whole or rolled grain and pulses with a moisture content of up to 25%, in aerobic conditions.
ProFlake NC – is designed to improve the physical quality of dry-rolled grain, and increase the storage life of processed cereals by up to 3 months. It inhibits yeasts and mould growth, and mycotoxin formation and ensures a significant reduction in dust levels, helping to improve animal health and performance.
KlampClips – like an extra pair of hands during clamp filling. Manufactured from sprung stainless steel and made-to-measure for different clamp wall thicknesses. Available in packs of 25.
Side Sheets – essential to ensure a complete airtight seal. Heavy duty, 150μm, clear plastic in 50-metre rolls and in widths of 4, 5, 6 and 8 metres.
SiloBond – is a multi-purpose agricultural adhesive formulated to bond silage sheets together or attach them to clamp walls. Makes hanging side sheets safer and easier; reduces the risk of damage when filling; reduces overlap and saves on plastic.
SilaPactor – available in a range of widths from 2.1 metres to 4 metres, weighing from 2.5 to 6.0 tonnes. A SilaPactor can increase compaction density by up to 40%, is proven to cut DM losses and it saves time and fuel.
Farmguard – high-strength, recyclable silage sheeting. Uses advanced seven-layer technology for improved durability and tensile strength, tear resistance, a high degree of UV protection and easy, lightweight handling. Farmguard’s barrier to oxygen is up to 100 times that of standard silage sheeting.
O2 Barrier 2in1 – the single sheet which transforms into two. Polyamide vacuum film layer up to 10 times less oxygen-permeable than conventional silage film that reduces time and labour required to seal the clamp.
BaleShield 160 – durable protection for hay, straw and wrapped forage bales. Tear-resistant waterproof fleece can be used time and again. Ideal for protecting forage in the open, close to where it’s needed. Sheets can be joined with hook and loop tape and held in place with clamps and screws supplied.
ClampShield 500 – the ultimate protection for ensiled forage crops but with up to 75% less single-use plastic. This breathable polypropylene fleece can be reused over many years. Waterproof, easy to lay, and affording protection against birds. Sheets can be joined with hook and loop tape.