Home-Grown Feed Preservation

Established in 1982, Kelvin Cave Ltd. is the UK market leader in the development and supply of home-grown feed preservation and processing systems. We specialise in proven, effective silage preservatives and ensiling products, crimped and moist grain preservatives and grain processing

We have pioneered and developed affordable solutions that enable ruminant livestock farmers to make better quality home-grown feeds, and reduce or eliminate their need for bought-in animal feedstuffs.

Our success is due to our experienced team, all of them farming and livestock professionals, who share a wealth of knowledge in both practical farming and livestock nutrition.

By eliminating or reducing dependency on bought-in feeds, farmers can safeguard against supply shortages and fluctuating market prices, producing feeds with high nutrient value and digestibility
that require only easy, low-cost storage.

Animal Feeds Preservation and Processing

Kelvin Cave Ltd. work closely with farmers and their contractors who specialise in harvesting, processing and ensiling forage and concentrate crops throughout the British Isles and Ireland. Bringing together a comprehensive range of products and machinery, from world-class
manufacturers, Kelvin Cave provide a one-stop, integrated source of supply for farmers seeking greater self-sufficiency and autonomy in their feed production.

The company’s preservative and processing systems allow the low-cost storage of home grown forages and concentrates harvested at optimal nutritional value and digestibility.

From harvesting to feed-out, Kelvin Cave Ltd. has a range of systems-led solutions that have been tried and tested over many seasons on farms throughout the UK. These include proven methods for crimping, moist grain preservation, silage treatment and clamp management.

Earlier harvesting for feeds such as crimped grain broadens the window for combining, allowing greater flexibility, best use of manpower and machinery, and more efficient use of land.

Long established relationships with internationally respected names including Eastman (formerly Kemira Chemicals), Salinity, Murska/Korte, and RKW, has enabled Kelvin Cave Ltd. to provide the highest levels of technical support and after-sales service and a wholehearted commitment to future product development.

We market only products and services that are supported by fully validated independent research, and that are reliable and cost-effective for customers seeking sustainable methods of livestock welfare and production.

If you’re a farmer or contractor seeking to improve productivity from home-grown forages and concentrates, we have a solution that’s right for you.

For more information on our products & services or for further advice on home-grown animal feeds preservation and processing call us at Kelvin Cave on 01458 252281

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